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Cancer (June 21-July 22)

Happy Birthday Cancer!

Cancer Symbol

If you were born between June 21st – July 22 you were born under the sign of the crab. You are known for being nurturing, caring, and compassionate. Although the fourth sign in the zodiac, you ought to be the 1st; considering how motherly you tend to be! Not only are you sensitive to others, but you are a protector of those you love. Putting your friends, family, and partner first - you will not back down when it comes to people you hold close to your heart. You are a water sign, along with your siblings Scorpio and Pisces, which means you tend to lead your life with your emotions. Because you are the first water sign, you actually feel deeper than any other sign out there.  No wonder the crab is a perfect symbol for you! You're tough on the outside, but a big mush ball of cuteness on the inside. Your ruling planet is the Moon; meaning you love security and a sense of home. So just like a crab, when things get a little overwhelming, you like to retreat back to safe territory.

Cancer Strength Keywords: Nurturing, Compassionate, Introverted, Protective

Cancer Weakness Keywords: Moody, Passive-aggressive, Over Emotional

Coming soon: 3124-FLREV

Although we can go to Cancers for emotional support, they can sometimes take advantage of that. Cancers can easily read emotions and make it easy for others to open up to them (when they are always there for you and give such great advice - how can you not want to open up?!) but they can abuse that power to get what they want. And you never want to start an argument with a Cancer; unless you're willing to get passive-aggressive comments and responses from them. Because they are the first water sign, the have a hard time controlling how deep they feel the whole spectrum of emotions.. so, it can be daunting to be around them going from one extreme to the next. Trust me, as an Aries, I understand moody tendencies but Cancers can take it to another level. And let us say, since you guys can be over emotional, #NotAllCancers; we don't want to make you guys cry or anything.. I mean - you are our mothers. Regardless of the weaknesses you have (and we all have them!), the zodiac would fall apart without the strong yet tender care of Cancers. You hold us together and help us when we fall apart. And - from the baby of the zodiac to you - we appreciate every bit of you; the good and bad!

Below we have some sunnies we think fit your personality! Be sure to check out our website for more styles!

LISA- Two Tone Cat Eye Sunnies with Flat Color Mirror Lens

TASHA- Vintage Style Angular Flat Mirror Lens Sunglasses

WISTERIA- Modified Metal Aviators with Flat Lens
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